for poor people
More about the TDCBO
Helping each other can change the world
Talash-e-Danish Capacity Building Organization (TDCBO) is a reputable non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to uplifting communities and enhancing the quality of life for individuals across Afghanistan since its inception in February 2018.
TDCBO's Vision
To create a society where all individuals, regardless of background or status, have access to essential.....
TDCBO's Mission
Our mission is to provide voluntary and humanitarian services without discrimination, focusing on.....
TDCBO's Focus
Our primary focus is on improving the quality of life for vulnerable populations through targeted interventions.....
All support to them
We inspire and help them live better
There are many variations of passages of available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.
We help them
Services address a range of simply free text application and infrastructure needs.
We educate them
Services address a range of simply free text application and infrastructure needs.
TDCBO Gallery
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